What is a computer, its utility and its features

1 min readJun 8, 2021


A computer is a machine that performs tasks according to certain instructions. It is an electronic device that is designed to work with information. This word computer is derived from the Latin wordcomputare”. It means to calculate.

what is computer
what is computer

It mainly has three functions. Taking the first data which we also call Input. The second task is to process that data and then the task is to show that processed data which is also called Output.

Charles Babbage is said to be the father of the modern computer. Because he was the first to design the mechanical computer, which is also known as the Analytical Engine. In this, data was inserted with the help of punch card.

So we can call a computer such an advanced electronic device that takes raw data from the user as input. Then processes that data through a program (set of instruction) and publishes the final result as Output. It processes both numerical and non-numerical (arithmetic and logical) calculations.

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